One of the great new features in this year’s edition of Yearbooks is the ability to download new packages of content from this website. Every month we will be releasing new graphics that can be quickly imported into Yearbooks to add new clip-art, backgrounds, templates and cover images. All of these images are provided for free to registered users, and are completely optional. You can pick and choose the packages you wish to download and import, whether it is one package or all of them. We are also producing a tutorial video in which Dave will demonstrate how to download, import and use these images in your Yearbook.
Our first download package features new Clip-art images with a Halloween theme! Here is a brief sample of what is included in this package. You can download the package below.
Download “Halloween Clipart Package #1” PKG_Halloween.ybk – Downloaded 774 times – 693 KB
Our second package contains some of the classic backgrounds that have been featured in Yearbooks over the past ten years, specifically those with a Nature Theme. Again here is a sample of the contents, you can download the packages below.
Download “Nature Themed Backgrounds Package #1” PKG_Nature.ybk – Downloaded 1177 times – 23 MB
Watch this site for additional content for your Yearbook! Leave us a comment if you have any questions or suggestions on new graphics for Yearbooks.